Thursday, August 30, 2012

Back to it!

I went to the gym yesterday (Wednesday) and finally cranked out that 5 miler that I just haven't been able to get through. I know they say don't go back and try to makeup runs you missed but I can't see not doing all those runs and jumping into the 7 miler this weekend. Instead I'm planning on running 4 days a week with 2 days of cross training, giving me one rest day.

I've also started lifting weights. I had this book called "the body sculpting bible for women" my senior year of high school and used it for a month or so before I finally got tired of waking up at 6am to go to the gym (I am not a morning person!) but I really saw a quick improvement in my health and so I found the book and have started using it again. The plan is 3 days a week and makes suggestion for core and cardio also. I'm planning on sticking with my cardio plan but will probably look at some of the core plans in the book and maybe do some core strengthens classes at the gym.

I'm running an extra race this month. Several of the nurses and a doctor or two are running a local race and asked me to join them. It's a Friday evening 5k in downtown and happens to match up with the 3 miles I was planning to run anyway so I figured I've never run a race with a group of people I knew before and it just might be fun.

As for my absence on the blog, I apologize, some things happened that caused me to feel overwhelmed with life and well I felt my time was best spent working on fixing me first. I ope you understand.

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