Saturday, March 22, 2014

Wow. This week has really flown by. I'm sorry I haven't posted any this week. My poor kiddo has had a really tough week at school, I worked a couple of shifts this week, and fiancé had a couple of nights where he had to work late. Our family has just had a rough week.

Both fiancé and I did keep up with our excerise this week and managed to walk 7.38 miles this week. Fiancé did very well with his diet and has managed to lose 11 pounds since we started. I have not been doing as well with my diet and I am only down to 210 pounds. A total of 4 pounds lost. I have reset myfitnesspal to lose 1 pound a week instead of maintain my weight. The trying to do it on my own just wasn't working out well.

Our wedding is in 10 weeks and I'm hoping to be under 200 for the wedding which is just a touch more than 1 pound per week.

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