Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Another Run in the Books

Sunday went better than planned, with the exception of my diet. Boyfriend and I got up, went to church, had lunch at Fuzzy's Taco Shop, went grocery shopping at Sam's Club to stock up on lots of healthy things to eat and cooked up a bunch of stuff, then we headed to the gym. Sunday's run was fabulous, I felt great and got the 2.08 miles done in 30 minutes with fuel left in the tank. After bonus kid got dropped off from his mom's we had dinner and hung out for a bit before heading to bed.

I really messed up my sleep schedule over the weekend and ended up sleeping all night and not being able to sleep all day before working all night Monday night. I of course woke up to walk bonus kid to the bus stop so I figured since I was awake I might as well get my run in. Another 2.08 miles in 30 minutes, felt ok, some mild calf soreness and a little abdominal cramping, next round of running should increase my mileage just a smidge. I'm entirely to eager to be busting out 10 min miles every time. I'll get there eventually and surpass, my goal is 8 minute miles FYI.

Anyway, after all my glorious working out, I got absolutely no sleep before heading to work for my first shift of 3. This morning however will be dedicated to a personal training appointment, which will be focused on squats according to the calendar she keeps for me. Next appointment will be a reassessment which I'm a little nervous about, I'm sure that most of the measurable exercises have improved but I'm not sure that my weight will have dropped much since last month.

I think that tomorrow will be my hardest day to motivate myself to keep going with this. I will have to work, then run, then sleep, then work. Those days are mentally and physically tough for me. I'm going to break through though, I am going to do this.

In other news, my boyfriend is thinking about doing the 5K event at the Quad Cities. It will be the first race he has run that I wasn't running with him so I hope he does it cause I'll be all proud of him. Also he asked me if I wanted to do the Halloween 5K in town in October, I said sure but we could do the 10K instead, cause you know I'm evil like that. He said he would think about it, which since he reads my blog, you need to decide soon before registration fees increase. Also my best friend has decided he to wants to join me on my crazy dream of running. He asked me to do a 5K with him in December - it is a 15K and a 5K the same day, being the mean, evil person that I am was like sure we can do that, oh and here's a link to a 10 week training plan for a 15K that you should totally do and just run the 15K with me, then in April you'll be ready for a 21K. I'm mean to my boys. :) I managed, after multiple attempts, to finally get my latest gadgets to work on the blog. I have updated the map on my Race the States page, it is much nicer. Also I now have a new page that shows my workout and race plan.

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