Sunday, June 30, 2013

June goals recap

Miles Run : Planned 61/Actual 23

Pounds to Lose : Planned - 10/Actual +0.4

Races to Run : Planned 1/Actual 1

Cross Training : Planned 4/Actual 0

Personal Goals to Accomplish :

  • Get completely moved out of my house and into the apartment. - Done!
  • Work 3 extra shifts at work. - Worked 2.5

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday

This edition of weigh in Wednesday is brought to you a day earlier thanks to vacation. 

Down 1.6 pounds

Down 12 pounds overall. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday weigh in

Up 0.6 pounds. 

Still down 10.4 pounds overall

Weight to lose 65.6

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Today I met with my new personal trainer for the first time. I'm very happy with my trainer, although I'm a little sad. My weight today was 203.7. I'm back above 200 which I never wanted to happen again. However Sara seems like a great fit for me. She seems to understand that I'm not going to radically change overnight. She adapted many of the exercises to my low level of fitness, didnt push too hard and as far as my nutrition she is having me start out just writing everything down and since I work nights, when I eat it, then she wants me to work on making one meal healthy for the whole week. So just lunch then when we've nailed down lunch to either breakfast or dinner. 

The plan is for two days a week of weightlifting with her and two days a week on my own of cardio. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday

So another gain. WTH! It's really starting to frustrate me. When I stop trying it seems to come off very slowly but if I am trying I gain?!

Current weight 198 lbs
Change from last week +0.8 lb
Overall -11 lbs

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday

This weeks weigh in 

Up 0.6 pounds from last week.
Down 11.8 pounds from my heaviest.
I'm ok with this half pound gain since I've been sick and on steroids for the past week. Plus at some point during the week the scale was reading 199.6 so I'll take this and I'll go forward and continue to fight.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Well I worked one of my extra shifts last night and had to stay over for a charge nurse meeting. I was not feeling like going home, changing and going to the gym. I managed to talk myself into it though. I said at first well I'll sleep and then get up an hour earlier than normal and do it then, but I know me and I knew it wasn't happening. I would end up sleeping in and would not have gotten my workout in.
So I chilled for a little bit at the house and then I convinced myself to get off the couch and I went and jumped on the treadmill for my 3.1 miles and finished n 45:36. Not my fastest 5k but I am still coughing a lot so I'm trying really hard not to push myself. I've also been trying to run just a little faster each time by removing 1 minute from my total time as well as burn more calories each time. Then after I finish on the treadmill I get on this stair strider thingy that the boyfriend loves and I loathe to round my calories burned to the next 100 but it burns like 9-10 calories per minute and gets me to the burn I want quickly.
I was worried with being on the steroids that my weight would balloon way over 200. I couldn't resist stepping on the scale today. I'm not saying a thing since I weigh in in just 31 hours.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June Goals

Miles to Run : 61

Pounds to Lose : 10

Races to Run : 1

Cross Training : 4

Personal Goals to Accomplish :
  • Get completely moved out of my house and into the apartment.
  • Work 3 extra shifts at work.